Mission Statement

The Pink Gavel is building a youth-driven, collaborative movement that centers reproductive healthcare as a human right. Through an intersectional and grassroots framework, we empower all people— regardless of their gender identity, sexuality, race, class, or geographic location— to exercise their right to make their own reproductive decisions.

Through motivating youth to take action to protect our rights, we are aligning reproductive legislative action with the goals of the next generation at the state level. As young adults, we will bear the full effects of regressive attacks on our health and autonomy. Therefore, we must work together to transform our reproductive futures.

Movement Values


Always measurable and concrete


Motivated by taking tangible policy-oriented action


Powered by passionate students


It's there if you want it and are committed

Work Product

Everything you produce has a purpose— we won’t give you busy work

Movement Goals

Short, medium, and long term goals