Our Official Statement

At The Pink Gavel, diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice are central to our mission. We recognize that people seeking reproductive care have diverse identities in terms of class, gender, sexuality, geography, and more. We strive to build a movement that is both reflective and inclusive of those identities. By creating an inclusive culture for our members, we hope to reflect our commitment to diversity externally through our actions.

A Note About Language

We recognize that words often fail to convey the unique circumstances of every person in a movement as broad as ours. After all, language is fluid, contested, and subjective. But as our collective vocabulary develops and shifts over time, The Pink Gavel will continuously work towards using language that encompasses the various lived experiences of all people seeking reproductive justice.

Our Membership Commitment

As a member of The Pink Gavel, in my pursuit of reproductive justice for all people, I pledge to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies as reflected by the following actions and expectations: 

  • Actively opposing discrimination on the basis of race, creed, ancestry, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran’s status, political service or affiliation, color, religion, or national origin

  • Recognizing and advancing the diverse experiences of fellow members in my organization

  • Spreading awareness of the organization’s missions and goals to a diverse body of people 

  • Listening to the opinions of others with an open mind, even and especially when their viewpoints diverge from my own 

  • Respectfully calling in others when I believe they are falling short of the movement’s principles 

  • Engaging in an iterative process of self-reflection about how I can best live up to my values, and holding myself accountable when I fall short 

  • Recognizing the unspoken labor of fellow reproductive health advocates by publicly acknowledging their work when possible